The British Far-Right—Potential for Political Legitimacy?

Interessante articolo sullo sviluppo di movimenti d’estrema destra in Gran Bretagna e in Europa. Etrstto da Cultural Diplomacy News blog by Dmitri Macmillen. The tragic events of last Friday in Oslo have prompted a stream of soul-searching across the continent. For the past few months, the electoral inroads made by the True Finns, the … Continua a leggere

A Royal Celebration of Dutch Culture: Orange-Nassau Queens’ Day (Berlin, April 30th, 2011)

Written by Eef Heersmink Berlin, April 30th, 2011 – The event was organized by Arnold de Boer, Bjorn Kolkman, Rozan Bank, Tiziana Marchesini, Attie Vermeulen & Eef Heersmink